Reach millions of new people in your niche
Effortlessly simple and easy to use A.I technology
DFY Content, DFY Monetization, Design, Integrations..Everything
Works fantastic as an agency, high demand low supply type of service.
The fastest traffic influx you’ll ever experience
Takes only seconds to set up a real, functional and traffic ready channel
Engage like MAD! Smoothly let your new viewers experience your ads and your promotions without pissing them off
And Of Course, All Backed Up By REAL Results!
Using TV Engager Works In
3 Simple Steps:
Step 1
Using our Smart A.I Tech, You can create a highly engaging, impressive, lengthy or short video for ANY niche and it’ll take less than 30 seconds.
Step 2
Now that your content is ready, it’s time to launch your channel, with TV Engager it’s easy, everything is already integrated and all you have to do is to launch the channel using the videos you created in step #1
Step 3
Engage & Profit
Boom you’re on air! At this point you should start seeing traffic and even conversions (sales), but with TV Engager we take it a step further, and our A.I makes sure to get as many eyeballs as possible, constantly get you in front of people and gives you design features that capture people’s attention and engage them!
That’s It! Following These 3 Steps Will Help ANYONE Regardless Of Their Experience To Launch Their Own Profitable TV Channel!
Our Game Changing Hybrid A.I + DFY Technology Is ALREADY Getting Beta Testers Impressive Results BEYOND Their Expectations:
Eri A.

Expanding the reach of your business? TVEngager is the answer!

I recently used TVEngager for my business and I'm extremely impressed. I have eight channels on Amazon and growing several online. It is incredibly easy to use and offers a wide range of features to help create custom linear television channels on platforms like Amazon, Roku and online.

The interface is intuitive, making it simple to manage your content and customize your broadcast. I highly recommend TVEngager for any business that is looking to expand its reach with a professional-looking TV channel.
Lennox G.

I strongly recommend this to anyone who needs traffic online.

I have been using the AI to create and schedule contents for my channel thereby making it a 24/7 online streaming tv.

Victory and his team did a good job on this technology.You can truly use the TV Engager app to sell any product in any industry. Because it engages your audience better than anything else.
Henry Santos

What a great tool!

I've worked with their support on a minor question and they were very responsive and quick to resolve my misunderstanding of the product. “I was blown away by how fast I could launch my streaming platform with the Tv Engager platform.

Another thing I love so much about the app is the ability to import videos from YouTube.
John T.

Unlock a brand-new stream of income…

As a freelancer, I use Tv engager to create Roku and Amazon fire TV channels for my clients and it has been one of my fast selling gigs.

The commercial license pays for itself and even makes you extra income if you promote a tv channel setup gig like I do.
There Are So Many Ways That TVEngager Helps You to Produce Income That the Possibilities Are Absolutely Endless!
Thousands Of People Like YOU Are Tapping Into The $288B Online Movie & TV Industry!
Why Are We Telling You This? Truth Is, These People Aren’t Any Different Than You. With The ‘Right’ AI Technology, You Could Do The Same Or Worst Case Scenario - Make A Fraction Of Those Verifiable Earnings For Yourself!
And It Doesn’t Stop There
The Need For An Online TV Channel Today Is An Absolute Goldmine!
It’s not just marketers that are cashing in on the Online TV revolution. Freelancers and agencies are also getting their share as well.
Why? Because there's so much demand for online tv channel setup by businesses across all industries more than ever before...
The best part is, with the right setup, you could tap into this new free-flowing stream of income and get a huge chunk of it for yourself… even if you don’t have any technical ability. Because TVEngager helps you to create these Amazon FireTV, Roku Tv Channels in just a matter of minutes... Meaning you can charge your clients any amount of your choice and pocket 100% of the profit while you use TVEngager to deliver the gigs.
WOW!!! Just like Tahir Younas who has made more than $30,000 selling this exact gig on Fiverr…
Already made up your mind?
Try TV Engager A.I Risk Free Right Now:
Not Sure Yet?
Stay With Me As I Explain..
Hey, my name is Victory Akpos and I’m a long time 7 figure marketer and techpreneur, and I’m the owner of TV Engager, the product you’re checking out right now.

Before you check out TV Engager, I think it’s important to understand how it came to life and why, because it was born from a deep need for traffic, and a huge opportunity recognized in amazon and overall in TV.
Starting My Own Amazon TV Channel Was The BEST Decision
I’ve Made In My Business
It all started when I bought a guide on generating traffic from amazon using TV Channels, the guide wasn’t super good but it was enough for me to recognize the opportunity and see how many fresh visitors I can get.

Because streaming traffic on amazon is the BEST traffic out there.
Free Traffic I’ve Ever Experienced
First off this traffic is highly engaging, they don’t like youtube style ads and prefer seamless or interactive ads.

(Inserting an ad is super simple with TV Engager BTW)

These are people who prefer a smooth viewing experience, these are people who are a bit more tech savvy, and a bit more accepting of advertising in general, as long as it doesn’t hurt their viewing experience.

This means that with the right strategy, being tailored to THEIR NEEDS, you can grab so much traffic, so quickly, for free, because there is very little competition.

Basically, Amazon TV Streaming + A Good Strategy = $$$
Here’s Exactly
Highest CTR on ads
Because the audience is much more receptive to ads, when you promote something on your new content, there is a much higher chance you’ll get clicks and sales from it.
And the cherry on top? It’s the highest CTR on ads that I’ve ever experienced in all 10 years of me being a full time online marketer.
Bigger and better than youtube
Youtube may be “bigger” in audience reach but not in active audience reach.
Meaning, on youtube you can technically reach billions but the chances of you being big enough to reach them are low, you have to be a fantastic youtuber and we all know how hard it is.
On amazon TV, you have a HUGE reach and yet it’s much easier to reach ALL of the people in your niche.
It’s a good combination of low competition + high traffic + good audience.
Amazon TV sales crossed 200 Million in 2023
So not only it’s big, it’s HUGE, and the audience is receptive, AND the competition is low, AND it’s easy to do with TV engager.
Think Early Days Kindle..
But Automated To Smithereens.
Amazon Fire TV is now like the beginning of KINDLE..huge userbase but still in it's infancy, expect HUGE success over the coming years if you jump in early.
PERFECT Audience For Promotions
Young audience ranged between 20 - 40 years old mostly, receptive to ads and receptive to new content, fantastic for beginner marketers trying to make a break.
However, creating and especially maintaining an amazon TV Channel is HELL.
It Took Me 2 Months To Do It The First Time
If you search on google how to start your own TV channel you’ll see endless guides on how to do so and you’ll see something in common to all of them:

It’s super techy, super complicated, and takes a long time.

And that’s just the “creation” part, you still need to insert ads, insert design, engage people, track performance, improve it, create content..All over and over again 24/7/365.

So it took me 2 months the first time to see my first few clicks.

The second channel I’ve created was much better, but still pretty difficult.
The Second Time Still A Whole 3 Weeks
It was much easier for me the second time simply because I was already more skilled.

But even then, it took me 3 weeks to see my first clicks, and I still had to maintain.

I couldn’t keep up.

So I concluded that Amazon TV has
Good Potential, Hard To Create & Maintain A Profitable Channel
So yes, amazing traffic potential, fast, good, quality and easy traffic.:

But very hard to create yourself, very non beginner friendly, techy & that’s just the creation part, there’s the maintenance part.

You still need to insert ads, insert design, engage people, track performance, improve it, create content..All over and over again 24/7/365.

But I already saw the potential, and it was time to automate, as I’ve done before multiple times.
So I Pulled My Resources As I’ve Done A Few Times
Before & Developed An Automated Way
Taking the exact method that worked for me, going for the mindset of “tailoring” content for what people like on Amazon TV Channels and combining that with my team, my resources, my devs and my project manager and together we’ve created a masterpiece of a product, powered fully by A.I, effortlessly simple, and quick to bring results..
Effortlessly Simple Amazon Channels
Using TV Engager Works In
3 Simple Steps:
Step 1
Using our Smart A.I Tech, You can create a highly engaging, impressive, lengthy or short video for ANY niche and it’ll take less than 30 seconds.
Step 2
Now that your content is ready, it’s time to launch your channel, with TV Engager it’s easy, everything is already integrated and all you have to do is to launch the channel using the videos you created in step #1
Step 3
Engage & Profit
Boom you’re on air! At this point you should start seeing traffic and even conversions (sales), but with TV Engager we take it a step further, and our A.I makes sure to get as many eyeballs as possible, constantly get you in front of people and gives you design features that capture people’s attention and engage them!
That’s It! Following These 3 Steps Will Help ANYONE Regardless Of Their Experience To Launch Their Own Profitable TV Channel!
Already made up your mind?
Try TV Engager A.I Risk Free Right Now:
Here’s Everything
That’s In The Belly Of This Beast:
Plus These AWESOME Features That Truly Make This Stand Out From ALL The JVZOO Offers Out There:
Feature #1
Linear TV Channels
Create a linear channel so that all viewers watch the same content at the same time, as in traditional television. Users can create linear channel which works as a traditional TV where your audience can stream same content as the same time.

The channel can also be shared on social media to gain traffic. Also the platform offers two types of linear channels (Looped and Scheduled).
Feature #2
Loop channel
when the videos are done playing it start afresh again by itself.
Feature #3
On Demand TV Channels
Create an on demand channel so that viewers can interact with the player controls and jump to the next or previous video in the playlist.

This type of channel enables users create video playlist that allows their audience select specific video to watch making it flexible to interact with. Users can share their channel via social media to gain more reach.
Feature #4
Live Streaming
Broadcast live with an RTMP encoder, share your live stream with your audience and record it for on-demand use later. Users can live stream on the app and share their stream url to their audience.

The live stream is saved when the section stops and can be added to an ondemand channel or share with audience. For a user to start a stream on the platform, the user needs be connected to an RTMP software like OBS, wirecast and the likes.
Feature #5
Domain Privacy Settings
Restrict embed player to specific domains. This setting applies when creating a channel, it enables users specify domains their channel can be embedded on
Feature #6
Social Sharing
Viewers can share their streams, channel, videos on social networks through a unique link. In addition the player can also be embedded in a 3rd party site.
Feature #7
Channel Embed
Create a channel and embed the player in just a few minutes. No tech skills required, just paste the embed code into your site.This enables users embed their channel on their website.
Feature #8
Get real time analytics with the number of views per channel. With this feature, channel owners can see count of traffic that have accessed or is accessing their channels.
Feature #9
Publish channel on Amazon FireTv
Publish your linear TV channels on Amazon FireTv.
The platform provides stream link for Linear channels that enables users Publish their channel on Amazon FireTv platform.
Feature #10
Ads Monetization
The platform support key standard for video advertising: VAST The VAST link is set during the creation of the channel. This link can be generated from Google adsense or any other VAST generating platform.
Feature #11
Ai video creation
With the platform users can generate video using AI to ship to their channel. All they need to do is enter a keyword to generate the video script or manually add their own video script which will be used to feed Aai video generator to create their own video which can be published on their channel.
Feature #12
Scheduling video to channel
Schedule video to channel for 30 days.
Users can schedule videos for 30days to be published to their channel, each day having their set time the video will show up on the channel.
Feature #13
Live TV
The platform provides list of channels within different category that can be streamed in real time over the internet. Also users can choose to copy the stream link to stream on their favorite stream players
Comes loaded with in-demand day to day premium channels
Users have access to tons of marketing materials that enriches them send out high converting copy to potential leads
And so much more!
Leave Dust & Bones To Your Competition As You Launch A Successful Channel In 30 Seconds Even If You’re A Complete “Nobody”.
Easy Traffic
  TV Traffic is some of the freshest and best traffic out there, it’s like youtube but on steroids as the users engage faster and are less savvy than youtube users.

Getting traffic with TV Engager is easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

But it’s not only traffic we can help you get, it’s sales too.
High Conversions
Since this traffic is less savvy and more engaging, the chances for making a sale are higher in many circumstances!

For example, when you launch a channel, in the cooking niche, the viewers unlike youtube for example have less experience with different products and are more open to promotions.
On top of that, they are more likely to remember you and are less likely to have buyers remorse since they bought something they saw on an amazon channel and not some free youtube video.

Bottom line: you look, feel and smell better to customers when you reach out to them using TV Channels.

And since it’s normally complicated, you will crush your niche because for you, the user, it’ll be effortlessly simple to do so.
Effortless Simplicity
  Nothing, and I mean no product out there that lets you create a channel can do what TV Engager can do and with effortless simplicity.

Launching a channel and videos? A job of seconds with TV Engager.

Creating a high converting offer with a good bonus to fit your TV engager video? Oops we take care of it too.

We even provide a done for you everything KIT, which means everything that a marketer needs for success with TV engager is included with the purchase, that’s on TOP of the game changing A.I tech that TV Engager is.
And many more awesome benefits!
Reach millions of new people in your niche
Effortlessly simple and easy to use A.I technology
DFY Content, DFY Monetization, Design, Integrations..Everything
Works fantastic as an agency, high demand low supply type of service.
The fastest traffic influx you’ll ever experience
Takes only seconds to set up a real, functional and traffic ready channel
Engage like MAD! Smoothly let your new viewers experience your ads and your promotions without pissing them off
And Of Course, All Backed Up By REAL Results!
And many more awesome benefits!
Test It Out For 30 Days Without Commiting
Already made up your mind?
Try TV Engager A.I Risk Free Right Now:
PLUS..EXCLUSIVE BONUSES For The Fast Action Takers
White-Label License to Ultimate SMS - Bulk SMS Application For Marketing (Worth $997)
Ultimate SMS is a powerful, flexible, and User-friendly Bulk SMS Marketing Application. It’s also an all-in-one solution for your SMS marketing. It’s easy to use & install.

White-Label License to SMM Matrix - Social Media Marketing Tool (Worth $997)
SMM Matrix is a social media marketing tool. This software includes almost everything you need to do a social media marketing business.

It has services lined up for every social media platform and hence is a very versatile platform. Be it likes, followers, views, or even general engagement or website traffic, SMM Matrix can get it all, and that too at a price that does not burn a hole in your pocket.

White-Label License to MultiSaas - Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder (Worth $997)
MultiSaas – Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder SAAS PHP Scripts.

It use Separate Database for each tenant, so that your website loads fast, and has the option to add custom domains. automatic subdomain creations and much more. it comes with a different 5 theme with necessary inner pages, it will help your tenant to multiple types of website easily without hassle or thinking much about design. It also has 19+ payment gateway, and more than 150currency support.

It’s highly customisable, it comes with many awesome features, like drag & drop menu builder, drag & drop form builder, drag & drop widget builder and many more. it’s compatible with Desktop, laptop, mobile and also compatible with major browsers.
So What Are You Waiting For? Get TV Engager A.I & The Bonuses For A Special Price Now:
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Enjoy Strong Servers, Quick, Efficient Support & Ultra Fast Task Execution Across ALL Software & The Main Editor Hub
Our tech isn’t some low quality basement born tech (although some amazing creations were born in basements, but most of them are low quality garbage so technically I’m right)

Like I said, I’m a 7 figure techpreneur, I’ve got enough connections and experience to hire a professional team to develop something as innovative and as BIG as this.

So aside from a fancy dashboard, behind the scenes, you will enjoy very strong and reliable servers, very fast and effective support & smooth task execution by the A.I, no lags no long loads, no bugs and issues.

Smooth Smooth high quality tech.
Special Pricing Just For You, Just For Today.
If you’re reading this line on this page, it means it hasn’t been deleted yet.

Which means we are still running a special offer.

This is your only opportunity to get a technology that makes even billionaires pay attention to your marketing for a low, one time price.
100% Beginner friendly and non techy
Special limited time discounted price that expires within hours
Limited time bonuses worth $2,991 that get you results faster
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Try TV Engager A.I Risk Free Right Now:
Why Such A LOW Price?
Let's be honest, everyone is selling these “affordable” courses and Softwares are what’s “HOT” now. Yes, we can charge more, and yes we should charge more because this A.I Tech is UNLIKE any other A.I Tech out there. But we won't. Because the more people we will get to buy this during launch time, the more customers we will have to do business with in the future. But we will make small increases, and then we will increase it like CRAZY when the launch will be over. MARK MY WORDS, it WILL increase.
Click The Button Below And We Guarantee That You Won’t Regret This Decision, EVER.
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Try TV Engager A.I Risk Free Right Now:
TVEngager: KickStart Your Own Amazon TV-Channels And Reach MILLIONS Of NEW People In ANY Niche
Try TV Engager Risk Free For 30 Days
Whether it’s our top notch support, whether it’s the product itself or the delivery of the product.

We CANNOT guarantee results, we CANNOT guarantee anything will happen. We can just share our own results and how it absolutely changed our businesses & our lives. However, we CAN guarantee that we did our BEST to make this software as effective as possible.

If you encounter any technical problem with the software and support cannot help you resolve it, we will refund you. Also, you can test it out risk free for 30 days.
HURRY! The Price Goes UP Again In:
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Thank you for your time,
Victory Akpo
& The Entire TV Engager Team
Is TV Engager a downloadable software? What system do I need to run TV Engager?
It’s a cloud based software, and it works on any device.
I’m kind of afraid to invest, nothing against you, just had some bad experiences online. Do you have some kind of refund policy to protect me?
Yes, 30 days no questions asked.
TV Engager sounds like ALOT, and I mean it in both the good and bad ways, I’m worried I wouldn’t know how to use it. Is it really beginner friendly? And if so, please point me to the section on the page that shows it.
TV Engager is indeed ALOT, in terms of the tasks it performs, it performs multiple important editing and creation tasks at the same time.

But, on the face of it, you just create a channel, launch it, and watch the traffic flow!
So it’s ULTRA Simple!
I’m a marketer and to be honest, all I care about is getting more traffic, sales, leads & profits. I haven’t fully decided where my focus is going to be, is TV Engager for me? Can I use it in basic marketing techniques like affiliate marketing, ecommerce and social media?
YES! After all, you’re getting traffic, and it’s up to you how you want to monetize it. As long as you have a niche, you’re good..

But, on the face of it, you just create a channel, launch it, and watch the traffic flow!
So it’s ULTRA Simple!
Still Got Any Questions?
Contact Our Support At & We’ll Do Our Best To Answer Within 8 Hours, Max 24 Hours, 7 Days A Week!
If You Don’t Have Any More Questions,
Then Let’s Hook You Up With TV Engager While It’s Still On A Special Offer:
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Discover How To Instantly Launch Your Own Amazon TV-Channels And Reach MILLIONS Of NEW People In ANY niche